Virtual visit to a particle accelerator in research infrastructure

Virtual visit to a particle accelerator in research infrastructure

Virtual visit to a particle accelerator in research infrastructure Video created to give to know the UAM particle accelerator, its secrets and the research carried out with this tool.   This video was widely used for the virtual open days during the covid-19 health...
Presentation video for a research centre

Presentation video for a research centre

Presentation video for a research centre Video about a research centre belongs to Autonomus University of Madrid, filmed and edited between March and April 2021, where its director presents the UAM accelerator. The video lasts just over 2 minutes and it explains the...
Presentation for a round table

Presentation for a round table

Presentation for a round table Presentation created for C. G. Neira (UAM researcher) on the occasion of the round table “Hombres, Dioses, Guerreros. El culto al héroe y los cinturones áureos en la antigüedad”, held at the Ateneo of Madrid. The round table was part of...
IFN website

IFN website

IFN website I created the new website for the “Instituto de Fusión Nuclear (IFN)”, which is a research institute belongs to the “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid”. I developed and designed IFN’s new website, creating a new, fresh and...
Activity report book

Activity report book

Activity report book Activity Report book (brochure-magazine) 2016-2018 for a UAM research institution. Cover + 119 pages • 210 x 260 mm (closed) Concept, design, layout and outputting for print Developing the brand Layout of magazine Project-managing team for layout...