Whiteboard animation video and logo for Business Plan

Whiteboard animation video and logo for Business Plan

The prize for the Science and Technology category, awarded by the 3M Foundation, went to the MOISTRAP project. Whiteboard animation video and logo for Business Plan On the occasion of the 14th CIADE prize for the university entrepreneur, I was part of the MOISTRAP...
Activity Report book

Activity Report book

Activity Report book Activity Report book (brochure-magazine) 2014-2015 for a UAM research institution. Cover + 93 pages • 210 x 260 mm (closed) Concept, design, layout and outputting for print Developing the brand Layout of magazine Project-managing team for layout...
La Claqueta Website

La Claqueta Website

La Claqueta Website La Claqueta is a social enterprise established by professionals from the education and audiovisual sectors. The enterprise uses audiovisual media as tools in education, social participation and personal development. La Claqueta began in 2004,...
Activity report book

Activity report book

Activity report book Activity Report book (brochure-magazine) 2012-2013 for a UAM research institution. Cover + 118 pages • 210 x 260 mm (closed) Concept, design, layout and outputting for print Developing the brand Layout of magazine Project-managing team for layout...