Activity report book

Activity report book

Activity report book Activity Report book (brochure-magazine) 2016-2018 for a UAM research institution. Cover + 119 pages • 210 x 260 mm (closed) Concept, design, layout and outputting for print Developing the brand Layout of magazine Project-managing team for layout...
Scientific Bunkeroom flyer

Scientific Bunkeroom flyer

Scientific Bunkeroom flyer Flyer-Poster designed to advertise the Escape of the Bunke Room – Descubre el Elemento Misterioso, which is an activity organized for the 19th Science week in a UAM’s research centre. The Science Week is organized by the General...
Scientific dissemination activity flyer

Scientific dissemination activity flyer

Scientific dissemination activity flyer Flyer-Poster designed to advertise the “Escape of the Bunke Room – En Busca de la Partícula Perdida”, which was a scientific dissemination activity to commemorate February 11th, declared as the International Day of...
Photography, Embroidery & Gestalt Workshop – Brochure

Photography, Embroidery & Gestalt Workshop – Brochure

Photography, Embroidery & Gestalt Workshop – Brochure Brochure created to advertise the “Photography, Embroidery & Gestalt Workshop”. Design & layout: Cheni (Gula Creativa) Concept: I. Campos Trujillo Workshop: I. Campos Trujillo Client: I....