showcase imac image
showcase main colors image
mockup safari image
mockup tablet image
showcase app screen
showcase ipad image
mockup safari image

La Claqueta Website

La Claqueta is a social enterprise established by professionals from the education and audiovisual sectors. The enterprise uses audiovisual media as tools in education, social participation and personal development. La Claqueta began in 2004, significant changes in recent years have led them to redefine their web strategies in recognition of these. Gula Creative, formed by Cheni, Ohmware and the collaboration of M. Rueda, have therefore developed and designed La Claqueta’s new website, creating a new, fresh and informal visual identity that will strengthen and promote their unique character in the audiovisual field within the education sector. Furthermore, Gula Creative have designed this new website with the aim of simplifying and improving the user experience, creating a web completely adapted to mobile devices.

Gula Creative planned and designed the structure and content of La Claqueta’s website, and then programmed and realised that website. Since then, Gula have maintained and updated this website in cooperation with La Claqueta.

  • User interface design: Gula Creativa
  • Concept & Usability: Gula Creativa
  • Development & webdesign: Gula Creativa
  • Client: La Claqueta S.Coop.Mad
  • Year: 2015-2016
  • Creative fields: Interface & user experience, web design, web development, graphic design
  • Tools: Sublime Text, Sketch, php, Adobe photoshop, WordPress, illustrator